英語上級 (2017)

  • 英語上級(AEA)ー 火曜・3限
  • 英語上級(AEA)ー 木曜・1限

注意:火曜3限(医学部・医学科)の講義室は C30 に変更になりました。


e-FACE の課題

e-FACE に関する課題(10%)のインストラクションはこちらです。

電子メールでの提出も受け付けますが、私からの confirmation mail を受け取るまでは、



【講義ノート】Lecture notes

Lecture 1 

Lecture 8 (Proper reference style)

【講義で紹介した文献 & ツール】Articles introduced in class

* The articles are listed in the order they were introduced 

* The password is required for the files below.

【本授業の目的およびねらい】Purpose of the course                                                


【履修条件あるいは関連する科目等】 Related subject                                            

Please refer to the guidelines on the undergraduate English studies.

【授業内容】 Class contents                                                                

In this course, students study various presentation skills and useful English expressions for an effective presentation, following Gershon (2013) textbook.

Week 1: Getting ready: What is Academic English Advanced? 

Week 2: A person to admire (Unit 1) 

Week 3: A person to admire (Unit 1)

Week 4: A great vacation idea (Unit 2)

Week 5: A great vacation idea (Unit 2)

Week 6: Young people today (Unit 3)

Week 7: Young people today (Unit 3)

Week 8: Let me explain (Unit 4)

Week 9: Let me explain (Unit 4)

Week 10: In my opinion (Unit 5), In the news (Unit 6)

Week 11: In my opinion (Unit 5), In the news (Unit 6)

Week 12: Student presentations 

Week 13: Student presentations

Week 14: Student presentations

Week 15: Student presentations

The language of instruction is English. Students are expected to participate actively during classes and complete an oral presentation at the end of the semester. The presentation should include an element of persuasion. Students are also expected to write a one-page abstract for their talk in advance. The above course plan is tentative and subject to revision during the semester, depending on students’ progress and, to an extent, topics of your interest.

【成績評価の方法】 Evaluation system                                                          

E-learning (20%), class-level participation (20%), individual-level participation (20%), presentation abstract (10%), presentation (30%)

E-learning (20%) will reflect students’ overall completion rate (10%) and final assignment score (10%) in eFACE. For the final assignment, students will be asked to write a 2-3 page essay with at least two references. Final grades will be determined based on an absolute (not relative) achievement, taking into account marks (in percent) for all components listed above:

F: < 59%

【教科書】 Textbook, its author and publisher                                                                   

Gershon, S. (2014). Present yourself 2: Viewpoints (2nd Edition). New York: Cambridge University Press. (ISBN: 978-1-107-43578-0, ¥2534)

【参考書】 Reference book                                                                      

It is recommended that students bring an English dictionary (either electronic or paperback) to class every week. 

【注意事項】  Notice for students                                                            


【担当者からの言葉】 Message to students                                                     

初回の授業を欠席した場合は、課外学習の説明資料をアカデミック・イングリッシュ支援室のサイト ( http://elearn.ilas.nagoya-u.ac.jp/access/ ) からダウンロードすること。

Across all topics and levels of teaching, I generally believe that the ultimate goal of teaching is to help students to develop self-confidence and independent attitude towards learning. To this end, I would like to make it my common practice to review the principles and teachings in The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey, 1989) and update what I believe to be common sense. That is, I would like to make sure that students (and I) become/remain proactive by focusing on what can be controlled rather than what cannot be controlled, have specific goals in mind, and set their priorities straight to achieve what is important in the long-run. Because second language acquisition requires painstaking commitment, unlike acquisition of the first language, the proactive, ambitious, and independent attitudes are, I believe, particularly important. In assisting students to become mature by developing the above habits, I will be careful not to impose my own opinions, without first listening to students’ thoughts.

【本授業に関する参照ウェブページ】URL of the course website                                           


【オフィスアワー】Office hour


場所: 文系総合館 711号室

連絡先: kojimiwa@nagoya-u.jp

 Last updated 05/13/2024                              © Koji Miwa 2015-2024 All Rights Reserved